Daniel Cooney
Daniel Cooney
  • 10
  • Centre Forward
  • 37
  • Manchester United
  • Right
  • 2010
Golden Boot 2010 / 2011 Golden Boot 2011 / 2012
Appearances Starts Goals Assists
2013 / 2014 League and Cup 14 13 4 2
Friendly 3 3 0 0
Total 17 16 4 2
2012 / 2013 League and Cup - - - -
Friendly 2 2 2 1
Total 2 2 2 1
2011 / 2012 League and Cup 16 15 16 4
Friendly - - - -
Total 16 15 16 4
2010 / 2011 League and Cup 0 0 21 0
Friendly - - - -
Total 0 0 21 0
All Time League and Cup 30 28 41 6
Friendly 5 5 2 1
Total 35 33 43 7
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